

Disclaimer: I am not a financial advisor. Below are just my personal opinions only. It does not constitute a financial statement in any form. I cannot be held responsible for any loss or liability as a result of reading this opinion. If you want to use this article somewhere else, please contact the author for permission.

Sunday 24 February 2008

澳洲股指 - 技术分析(24/02/2008)

Let's see the daily chart first.

The XAO index has pretty much stayed relatively stable compare to last few weeks trading. Although CDMA and Money Flow indicators stayed below the zero line level, neither was giving no hint of what is going to happen.

So for any potential hints we look upon the long term chart for any clues.

On the weekly chart MACD seems to have leveled off at the bottom. However Money Flow is continuing to decline. Index is struggling on the support around 5600. All WMAs are staying above the index value. Indicating down trend is continuing.

My guesses are that the market is in a sort of pause to assess how much damage the US economy will do to Australia and Chinese economies. The certainty of a few more raises of official interest rate by RBA is also considered. If the market is to make a move it will be a big one. This could be the silence before the big storm. If anything the market is more likely to move down than up. Good luck guys. I would say "fasten your seat belt"!

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